
Medicine E log

Medicine case presentation  16.07.2020 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.  Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.  This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. Case Discussion  A 21 year old female came with chief complaints of  left side chest pain since yesterday Shortness of breath on bending since yesterday  HOPI She was apparently asymptomatic 2 years back, then she developed loose stools multiple episodes for 2 days associated with pain abdomen squeezing type, No h/o vomitings. H/o fall on day 2 of loose stools admitted for 2 days. She fell on stones and sustained injuries over ante

Medicine E log

Medicine case presentation  Thursday , 2nd July. This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.  Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.  This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. Case Discussion :  A 35 year old male who works as supervisor in thermal plant, regular to work, resident of dhamadacheela Nalgonda came with chief complaints of :  yellowish discolouration of sclera since 8 days Pain in the infrascapular region radiating to chest in the apical region since 3 days  Normal appetite but not feeling well to take food HOPI :  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 8 days back, then he developed

Daily log

Leave : 1 23/05/20 : Reporting and introduction to medicine department. 24/05/20 : (Sunday) learnt regarding nerve muscle physiology 25/05/20 : Case Discussion on CVA , Hemiplegia and learnt about UMN and LMN differences. 26/05/20 : Monitored patient during dialysis. 27/05/20 : AMC duty and learnt taking ABG sample. 28/05/20 : AMC duty, CPR was done to the patient. 29/05/20 : Discussion about chest pain and heart failure. 30/05/20 : Leave 31/05/20 : (sunday) learnt about heart failure and MI. 01/06/20 : Foleys catheter insertion was done on the patient. 02/06/20 : (Sunday) learnt learnt about CKD, dialysis and it’s indications. 03/06/20 : OP day and casuality duty. 04/06/20 : learnt about differences between quadriparesis and paraparesis. 05/06/20 : Case discussion on chronic heart failure, learnt about pedal edema and heart failure. 06/05/20 : learnt about Bishops score in pancreatitis. 07/06/20 : (Sunday) learnt about Acute and chronic pancreatitis. 08/06/20 : learn

Medicine case discussion

The queries that I encountered in a 65 year old female  patient  Pre renal AKI with Urosepsis with hypoalbuminemia and  k/c/o DM type 2 , HTN with Grade 2 fatty liver.  1. What was the cause for AKI ?     The patient was k/c/o osteoarthritis knee of both legs since 15 years. She has been using medication for pain since 15 years which could have damaged her kidneys to a extent.  Other causes of AKI     -Pre Renal :      Impaired perfusion :-  cardiac failure                                          Sepsis                                           Blood loss                                          Dehydration                                          Vascular occlusion    -Renal :           Glomerulonephritis with small vessel Vasculitis            Acute tubular necrosis            Drugs            Toxins           Inflammatory diseases            Infection   -Post Renal :          Urinary calculus          Bladder cancer          Prostate cancer          Cervica

Medicine case E log

Medicine case presentation  Monday, June 1st, 2020 Hello everyone.....!! I am an intern in medicine department and one of the important terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with my daily log of what I learn during the course of my duties.    Case Discussion  A 65 year old female presented to Opd with chief complaints of  -Abdominal distension since 4 days  -Diffuse abdominal pain since 4 days  -decreased urinary output since 4 days  -Burning micturition since 4 days  -Constipation since 2 days HOPI Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back then she developed burning micturition not associated with suprapubic tenderness, loin pain, fever and chills.  It is associated with decreased urinary output since 4 days.  Diffuse abdominal pain present since 4 days which was spasmodic type non radiating. No aggravating and relieved on medication.  There is history of fluid loss 4 days back ( vomitings 2 episode