
Showing posts from June, 2020

Daily log

Leave : 1 23/05/20 : Reporting and introduction to medicine department. 24/05/20 : (Sunday) learnt regarding nerve muscle physiology 25/05/20 : Case Discussion on CVA , Hemiplegia and learnt about UMN and LMN differences. 26/05/20 : Monitored patient during dialysis. 27/05/20 : AMC duty and learnt taking ABG sample. 28/05/20 : AMC duty, CPR was done to the patient. 29/05/20 : Discussion about chest pain and heart failure. 30/05/20 : Leave 31/05/20 : (sunday) learnt about heart failure and MI. 01/06/20 : Foleys catheter insertion was done on the patient. 02/06/20 : (Sunday) learnt learnt about CKD, dialysis and it’s indications. 03/06/20 : OP day and casuality duty. 04/06/20 : learnt about differences between quadriparesis and paraparesis. 05/06/20 : Case discussion on chronic heart failure, learnt about pedal edema and heart failure. 06/05/20 : learnt about Bishops score in pancreatitis. 07/06/20 : (Sunday) learnt about Acute and chronic pancreatitis. 08/06/20 : learn

Medicine case discussion

The queries that I encountered in a 65 year old female  patient  Pre renal AKI with Urosepsis with hypoalbuminemia and  k/c/o DM type 2 , HTN with Grade 2 fatty liver.  1. What was the cause for AKI ?     The patient was k/c/o osteoarthritis knee of both legs since 15 years. She has been using medication for pain since 15 years which could have damaged her kidneys to a extent.  Other causes of AKI     -Pre Renal :      Impaired perfusion :-  cardiac failure                                          Sepsis                                           Blood loss                                          Dehydration                                          Vascular occlusion    -Renal :           Glomerulonephritis with small vessel Vasculitis            Acute tubular necrosis            Drugs            Toxins           Inflammatory diseases            Infection   -Post Renal :          Urinary calculus          Bladder cancer          Prostate cancer          Cervica

Medicine case E log

Medicine case presentation  Monday, June 1st, 2020 Hello everyone.....!! I am an intern in medicine department and one of the important terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with my daily log of what I learn during the course of my duties.    Case Discussion  A 65 year old female presented to Opd with chief complaints of  -Abdominal distension since 4 days  -Diffuse abdominal pain since 4 days  -decreased urinary output since 4 days  -Burning micturition since 4 days  -Constipation since 2 days HOPI Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back then she developed burning micturition not associated with suprapubic tenderness, loin pain, fever and chills.  It is associated with decreased urinary output since 4 days.  Diffuse abdominal pain present since 4 days which was spasmodic type non radiating. No aggravating and relieved on medication.  There is history of fluid loss 4 days back ( vomitings 2 episode