Daily log

Leave : 1

23/05/20 : Reporting and introduction to medicine department.
24/05/20 : (Sunday) learnt regarding nerve muscle physiology
25/05/20 : Case Discussion on CVA , Hemiplegia and learnt about UMN and LMN differences.
26/05/20 : Monitored patient during dialysis.
27/05/20 : AMC duty and learnt taking ABG sample.
28/05/20 : AMC duty, CPR was done to the patient.
29/05/20 : Discussion about chest pain and heart failure.
30/05/20 : Leave
31/05/20 : (sunday) learnt about heart failure and MI.
01/06/20 : Foleys catheter insertion was done on the patient.
02/06/20 : (Sunday) learnt learnt about CKD, dialysis and it’s indications.
03/06/20 : OP day and casuality duty.
04/06/20 : learnt about differences between quadriparesis and paraparesis.
05/06/20 : Case discussion on chronic heart failure, learnt about pedal edema and heart failure.
06/05/20 : learnt about Bishops score in pancreatitis.
07/06/20 : (Sunday) learnt about Acute and chronic pancreatitis.
08/06/20 : learnt about DD of muscle weakness and tingling sensation (neuropathy, myopathy).
09/06/20 : learnt about causes for absence of reflexes and hyper reflexes.
10/06/20 : OPD and causality duty. 
11/06/20 : Discharge summary-1 , followed up patient with seizures and anemia, inserted foleys catheter to the patient. 
12/06/20 : learnt about Uremic encephalopathy and caused of seizures. 
13/06/20 : monitored patient during dialysis and sent her samples to Hemogram, ABG. 
14/06/20 : (Sunday) learnt about edema and it’s causes. 
15/06/20 : learnt about importance of SAAG in diagnosis of Ascites and recurrent UTI’s in diabetic patient.
16/06/20 : Discharge summary-1, learnt to insert Ryles tube 
17/06/20 : OPD and AMC duty. 


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