Medicine case E log

Medicine case presentation 

Monday, June 1st, 2020

Hello everyone.....!! I am an intern in medicine department and one of the important terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with my daily log of what I learn during the course of my duties.
Case Discussion 

A 65 year old female presented to Opd with chief complaints of 
-Abdominal distension since 4 days 
-Diffuse abdominal pain since 4 days 
-decreased urinary output since 4 days 
-Burning micturition since 4 days 
-Constipation since 2 days


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back then she developed burning micturition not associated with suprapubic tenderness, loin pain, fever and chills. 
It is associated with decreased urinary output since 4 days. 
Diffuse abdominal pain present since 4 days which was spasmodic type non radiating. No aggravating and relieved on medication. 
There is history of fluid loss 4 days back ( vomitings 2 episodes ) 

Past History 

She is a k/c/o DM type 2 since 6 months and is using medication for it (Metformin 500 mg OD) 
She is a k/c/o HTN since 3 years and is on medication for it (T.atenolol 50mg and T.amlodipin 5mg)  
Patient is not a k/c/o TB, Asthma, Epilepsy, CAD and CKD 

Drug History 

Not allergic to any known drugs. 

Personal History 

Diet : mixed 
Appetite : normal 
Sleep : adequate
Bladder : decreased urine output since 4 days 
Bowel : constipation since 4 days 

Family History 

Not significant 

General Examination 

Patient is conscious,coherent and cooperative. Moderately nourished and well built.
Temperature : Afebrile
Pulse rate : 84bpm
BP : 110/70 mm hg
RR : 16 cycles per min 
SPO2 : 96%
GRBS : 125mg%
No signs of pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, kilonychia, generalised lymphadenopathy.
h/o bilateral pedal edema progressing upto knee.

Respiratory system 

Normal vesicular breath sounds heard
Bilateral air entry present 
Dyspnoea- present (grade 2)
Wheeze- no
Position of trachea- central
Breath sounds- vesicular
Adventitious sounds- B/L coarse crepts 


Cardiac sounds : S1 S2 heard 
No murmurs heard 

Per Abdomen 

Shape : scaphoid, soft
no tenderness and  local rise of temperature.
no palpable mass
hernial orifice : free
no free fluid , no bruits heard
liver and spleen - not palpable
bowel sounds- sluggish


Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative well oriented to time place and person. 
Higher mental functions- normal
cranial nerves- intact 
motor system- normal
sensory system - normal

Based on the above findings, following investigations were sent

1. ABG
2. PT , APTT
3. BT, CT
4. RFT
5. LFT
6. CUE
7. Bacterial culture and sensitivity
8. USG
9. FBS
10. Chest x ray

Diagnosis : 

Pre renal AKI with Urosepsis with hypoalbuminemia and  k/c/o DM type 2 , HTN with Grade 2 fatty liver. 


1) Inj pantop 40mg/iv/stat 
2) Inj piptaz 4.5gm/iv/stat
3) Inj piptaz 2.25iv/qid 
4) IVF U.O + 30ml/hr NS 
5) GRBS 6th hourly Inj HAI sc 
6) Inj lasix 20mg/IV/stat
7) Inj lasix 20mg/IV/bd if SBP > 110 mm hg 
8) syp lactulose 30 ml bd if stools are not passed 
9) maintain MAP > or = 65-70 mm hg 
10) protein X powder 2 tbsp in one glass milk BD 
11) 2 egg whites per day 
12) BP, Temp, PR charting hourly 
13) I/O charting strictly 

Patient was sent to dialysis on 21/05/2020 , indication being anuria. 

Follow up: 

Following investigations were repeated :

1. ABG
2. Hemogram
3. CBP
4. Blood urea
5. Serum creatinine
6. RFT

Patient was sent to dialysis on 26/05/20 due to increased blood urea levels. Patient potassium levels were decreased and she was given syp potchlor.

Patient was sent to dialysis 01/07/20 due to increased blood urea and serum creatinine.
She was discharged on 02/07/20

Advice at discharge : 

- Salt(<2g/day) and fluid (<1.5lit/day) restriction
-Tab nodosis 500mg bd 
-Tab aldactone 50mg od 
-Tab amlong 5mg od
-Tab shelcal 500mg od
-Syp potchlor 10ml in one glass of water tid for 2days


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